Copyright © AJ Aldridge, helping you on your quest for success.
Everyone needs a little motivation to keep striving for success. There are goals set in place and each one is broken down into small steps and evaluation periods. Of course that is the way to get to your goals and make a needed changes to the plan. Though everyone forgets to include the why portion. As they say in show business “What's my motivation?”
At first it is the enthusiasm of potential success. The excitement of accomplishing a goal is an excellent motivator. Though many goals can be long term and many tasks are set in place to help get to the ultimate goal of getting to be successful. Success is only going to be measured by the person trying to make that ultimate achievement. First and foremost make success measurable and define in words what is the ultimate success.
Define the “whys”. Why do you want to succeed at these goals you are setting in place? Why are you setting these goals? Why are you giving yourself a time limit? Why are you not there now? Why do you need motivation? Why are you still making excuses? Why are you procrastinating? Be honest and write them down. Now with this list of questions and answers you can start achieving your goals and become a success. Though this is only one part of getting there it does seem to be what many people need to help keep them focused.
Start with making it visual. The list of answers is just not enough. Make a visual presentation for yourself that covers the reasons why you want to succeed. Many refer to it as a “dream board”. This a collage of pictures that you will collect and put on the board to remind you of your motivation. These pictures can represent anything from a dress you would like to buy to pictures of your grandchildren. Try hard not to put things on there that you need to read. Though motivational sayings are great and try to have a just a few. Find pictures that represent feelings and things that make you giggle and remind you of those times that make you happy. Find one of your favorite vacation spot or one you dream of going to someday. This is going to be your motivation.
Now have excuses ready for your excuses. Those excuses of why you are not there yet and just procrastinating have a purpose too. Write each excuse you gave yourself on a piece of paper. Leave space in between each one. Now find those motivational sayings that describe overcoming each of your excuses because “No one ever excused his way to success.”- Dave Del Dotto and “Niney-nine percent of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses” -George W. Carver. “I do not have time” can be answered with “Anything can be done in 15 minutes” or “Just Do It”-Nike. Always remember that 'can't' is a bad word and it means that you are not willing to try. These should be put somewhere for you to look at when you feel like giving up. Post them next to your computer or even on the refrigerator.
If you need to make it harder for yourself to fail then start a list of why you need to make this happen. This can be the “101 reasons WHY you WILL succeed” list. This list can get personal so keep it in your daily planner. Try not to add the pictures that you have on your dream board but write down your feelings or what things to you want to overcome in your quest for success. One answer should be “Because I Can” and have it in bold and capital letters. Finish your list and look at it often.
As you make your journey to accomplish your goals you will have something to remind you of the reasons why you have began them in the first place. As times get difficult, and they will, you will have everything set in place to keep you focused on your quest. Visual reminders can be the fuel to help get you to where you want to be but remember that you are the one driving.