Sunday, October 18, 2009
To Work From Home Can Save Money
Copyright © AJ Aldridge, helping you in your quest to online successMore and more people are looking for ways to be able to work from home. Either part time or full time, it does not seem to matter these days. It all comes down to the money. When looking at the monetary portion of working from home, an income that is made from home may appear to be a cut back but in reality it could be the same, after all of the other expenses are taken into consideration. Many extras that have been included in the budget are needed for those that work outside the home. These expenses should diminish or will be eliminated when the office is just down the hall.
The biggest expense falls under the transportation category. With the rising fuel costs, everyone seems to be cringing at the site of the pump when the tank has to be filled up for the week or even just 4 days worth of driving. Adding in the cost of the regular maintenance that is needed to extend the life of the vehicle, such as oil changes, the numbers really never find a ceiling. The regular pit stops will not be as frequent when the mileage is not increasing as fast when it is parked in the driveway. Taking less trips to the fuel pumps and the lube express will help keep that wallet from deflating so fast.
Another huge category, especially those with kids, is child care. As much as ½ of a parents paycheck could be paying someone else to watch their children. Even if a child is sick and can not go to daycare, the payment is still the same. A parent may not get paid if work is missed to take care of that child. This situation will drastically change when one of the parents work from home.
Having the younger children at home instead of daycare will decrease the chances of them getting sick and therefore the medical bills will reflect the same. Going to see a doctor is never cheap and then add in the cost of any medications. Most of the time these are considered unexpected spending and take away from other things.
For the shopaholics or fashion bugs this may come as bad new also, but the clothing budget will reap the benefits also if the job is at home. The dress code for those that work at home is pretty lenient and some have been known to work in their pajamas. Also cutting down on those trips to the mall will help reduce the wear and tear of the vehicles not to mention less trips to the dry cleaners.
Look at the food category and see how much can be saved if lunches were eaten at home. Many people eat out for lunch and this can be around $10 a day, $50 per week and working 50 weeks a year is $2500. This can be reduced by as much as 70% if lunches were made at home. That is is good chunk of change. For those that stop for that morning cappuccino will save even more money.
There are many other benefits for those that work from home, but the money issue tends to be at the top of the list. Saving money on fuel and vehicle maintenance, missed work and medical bills, clothing, meals and especially daycare, will make a drastic and unbelievable difference.
AJ Aldridge is a stay at home mom making money on autopilot. She is willing to show you the way on your quest to online success. Check out The Streamline Funnel System for yourself
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